The End of Summer

Around here, the end of summer break is usually in the middle of August. Even though we homeschool, most of our extra-curricular activities follow a version of that schedule too. And to say that summer is over feels incredibly bizarre for lots of reasons. The first being that it is incredibly hot here in Oklahoma. Today it dipped into the low 90’s and it felt amazing! By the end of next week its supposed to be back around 100 degrees. So as for the seasons of the year, summer is definitely still in full swing. Daylight is another one. I’m writing this at 8:30pm and I could take a walk around the pond and still get home before the sun sets. We complain about the heat or being out of routine, but the world getting dark at 5:30 shoves our heads into depression sometimes, doesn’t it? This beautiful daylight regenerates my soul, even as it’s almost out of view. Maybe it’s the ages of my kids, maybe it’s a different life perspective running through my veins this year, but I am really resistant to rushing through things this year.

Our busy culture tempts us to avoid or rush past life in the name of getting somewhere else, but what if I want to stay right here for as long as I’m allowed? I’m looking forward to fall and winter for all the comfort they bring, but there is good right here. There is good right here that might be gone soon and I guess I’m ready to accept that reality instead of avoid it. Accept it and face it accordingly. When my son’s moods fluctuate as much as his adolescent voice or the dog gets out for the 15th time chasing the guy on the bike down the street, I know there is good there and I’m ready to see it. My children are healthy enough to push into their next stage of development. That is something to celebrate. I have a smart, beautiful and good natured dog that has brought us so much joy this year. She is a great blessing. Maybe the cyclist didn’t feel blessed by her today, but who knows? I just want to live in it more. Maybe it’s mindfulness or engagement or just not going through life in a stupor of fear or reaction. Whatever it is, I’m trying to soak it in before this summer really ends.

There is so much about fall that I love, but honestly, we get cheated more often than not with a week of fall and then blasted with winter, while having been in tank tops 2 weeks before. I really don’t want to cheat myself out of the good right here by getting hung up on things that don’t matter as much. One of my favorite spots to write, think or just be right now is my front porch where a cozy corner waits for me with a bench and a big windchime (that I got when Costco marked it way down). I want the joy I get from spending time out there not be voided out because of the messes that I will find inside the house. It will sometimes, but it’s not good for me to live there.

Whenever your summer really ends, I hope you feel filled up. It’s not all perfect and a lot of it might be really hard. The sun can burn our skin if we’re not careful, but staying inside like a vampire is no way to live. The thorns and stickers that might hurt us should never block out the beauty of the waves on the ocean or the wildflowers in the meadow. Let’s soak all the beauty in until we’re all filled up.

Amy Butler